2007 Newsletter. Forum for Eksistentiel Psykologi og Terapi. nr.15 September, årg. 8. "Hverdags Koreografier". 2006 Article in Social Kritik, Nr. 106, October: Flow og Læring" (Flow and Learning", in cooperation with E. Mortensen. 2005 Book ; "Flow og læring" (Flow and Learning). 1st. edition 2006/2nd..edition 2007) 2003 Chapter in a book: "Veje til mangfoldighed, chapter.7: "Smerte og Kultur" (Pain and Culture), (red.) T. Jessen og E. Khanna, Frydenlund 2001 Report on teaching experience at the Danish School of social Work– Copenhagen and Aarhus: "Experiences from teaching Philosophy ", Scandinavian Congress on Research in Social Work in Oslo. 2001 Article in Psykolog Nyt, nr.22, s. 24-35: "Stressaflastning og forebyggelse for sygeplejersker", in collaboration with H. Svendsen. 2000 Report about Research study:" Stress Management and Prevention with Nurses", Published University of Copenhagen. 1995 Book: "Eutonia, Educacao do corpo para o ser", Summus, Sao Paulo, Brasilien. 1994 Book:"Eutonia, Educación del cuerpo para el ser", Paidós, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 1993 PhD. Dissertation :"The Expressions of Emotions", Audiologopedics Centre, Institute for General and Applied Linguistics, University of Copenhagen (KUA).